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Computer Assisted Spermogram (CASA) at the price of classical spermogram

Computer Assisted Spermogram (CASA) at the price of classical semen analysis – 60 lev (regular price 187.00 lev) until October 31 2015 at New Life clinic.
What is CASA and why choose it instead of the classical semen analysis?
Computer assisted sperm analyzer (CASA) is an automated system for semen analysis in which the concentration, motility and morphology of sperm are assessed by specialized software and special camera unlike classical semen analysis in which these parameters are measured by a biologist. The main advantage of semen analysis through CASA is that it eliminates the subjectivity associated with human factor, enabling better standardization of the study. Also sperm count software calculates more accurately sperm speed and stores its trajectory, as well as the dimensions of its three main constituents – a head, a neck and a tail. Besides calculating many more parameters at once, CASA system – available at New Life Specialized Medical Center Gynecology, gives better opportunities for the display of these parameters through graphs and images that we give to our patients as part of the analysis.

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