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„New Life“ introduces „Male Fertility Centre“

„New Life“ brings to your attention the first of its kind – a specialty clinic, fully focused on the reproductive health of men.

The center for treatment of male infertility is mainly directed to the following patient groups:
• Men with abnormalities in functional parameters examined in semen analysis (semen analysis);
• Men in need of cryopreservation of semen;
• Couples with unexplained infertility and / or several unsuccessful assisted reproductive cycles under normal sperm parameters;
• Couples with persistent infertility after treatment of female factor infertility;
• Prevention;


Mr. Todor Popov Mayor of Pazardzhik was awarded „MISSION DAD“ BY „I want a baby.“ Foundation

At an official press conference in the town hall of the BTA Pazardzhik Mayor of Pazardzhik Mr. Todor Popov was awarded \“MISSION DAD\“ from \“I want a baby.\“ Foundation
The reason for the award was the celebration of the third anniversary of the program in the municipality of Pazardzhik and the good work among \“I want a baby\“, Pazardzhik Municipality and IVF clinics in the area, one of which is clinic \“New Life\“.
In the municipality of Pazardzhik there are already eight babies born in from \“in vitro\“ for the past two years through municipality program financing, in 2015 four babies are expected. Also discussed were changes to the program in order to increase the budget and the funds that are allocated for infertile couples. At this stage the municipality of Pazardzhik assists couples with up to 3,000 (three thousand) BGN
\“New Life\“ expressed its gratitude to Mr. Todor Popov and the municipal council of Pazardzhik for their social commitment and promised to do everything right medically and psychologically in order for the miracle of having a baby to happen.

What is the difference from the standard testicular biopsy and TEFNA in embryological point of view?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rumen Dimitrov – Chief embryologist of clinic \“New Life\“ speaks about the TEFNA method

What is the difference from the standard testicular biopsy and TEFNA in embryological point of view?

From the embryological point of view the difference between the standard testicular biopsy and TEFNA is that with tefna the material processed in the embryological laboratory makes it easier to find and isolate motile sperm. In connection with this, the procedure, although long ,as the isolation of sperm in a standard way of testicular biopsy, tefna allows us to easier find and isolate motile sperm. This gives a chance for a higher percentage of fertilization, since it is desirable to inject motile sperm after tefna.
Why Tefna, Assoc. Prof. Dimitrov?
From a clinical point of view it is defined as noninvasive method for men, who need tefna or similar procedures i.e. testicular biopsies, these are men who have very serious problems with sperm production. In recent years, it is found that even in men who have very severe abnormalities, including genetic, which halt spermatogenesis, there is a chance in individual focal areas that it is preserved as a process. Since spermatogenesis takes place in many tubules in the testis, it was found that even at very serious breaches in some of the ducts that process still exists. Thus by Tefna when suctioning tubules from multiple channels there is a greater chance to find a place where the process is still functioning, and thus in embryological laboratory enters a material that is not as rich in texture as rich tubules, in which there are sperm that easily after machining can be isolated. This does not require the use of enzymatic treatment that would be problematic, since it uses preparations of animal origin, which is not acceptable in human medicine.
Does the entire testicle is tested at Tefna or as in a standard testicular biopsy (narrow) only part of the testicle?
Depends on the case, in most cases, both testicles are biopsied from several locations , but because it is done with a very fine needle and does not actually take tissue from the testicle itself, as in a standard biopsy and aspirate with this needle exactly the part where spermatogenesis is done, it allows to be done in more places than a standard procedure. Accordingly, in embryological laboratory there is a better chance , more material enters that is more in terms of what has been taken from more locations, but otherwise as quantity there is no tissue that prevents us from finding sperm.
What is it like working with prof.Neri Laufer and Dr. Anat Safran?
In Israel this method is introduced exactly by prof.Neri Laufer and Dr. Anat Safran which gives us a guarantee that we use a lot more sophisticated and new validated method TEFNA that is much more painless and spares the patient from classical testicular biopsy. And the results can not be compared – between the two undoubtedly Tefna is the future of the testicular biopsies throughout the world.

Dr. Anat Safran talks about the most intrusive methods for testicular biopsy in the world.

Dr. Safran tell us more about the method of testicular biopsy TEFNA? How many types of biopsies testicular are there and why TEFNA is the best and safest method?
There is an ongoing debate in the field of assisted reproductive technologies in terms of which is the best method for testicular biopsy. There are of course more than two methods, but the main subspecies are two – open-biopsy and aspiration biopsy type. When sperm are aspirated from the testicles through TEFNA (type aspiration biopsy), scrotum (skin bag in which the testicles are located) is not open surgically and sperm is aspirated through a needle passing through the scrotum. The aim is to find enough sperm to fertilize eggs using the most non-invasive methods
What is classical testicular biopsy as a method known to people?
Open testicular biopsy (TESE) is far more invasive. It involves opening the scrotum and biopsy of pieces of tissue from the testicles. So the main argument against TESE procedure is the causing of major structural damage to the testicles and recovery period after the procedure is longer. The main argument against TEFNA procedure is that it gives less chance for spermatozoids to be found. New Life team is trained to perform both procedures, but, unlike other IVF centers in Bulgaria, our first choice is always the most sparing method for the patient – TEFNA.
TEFNA is Israeli methodology and is known to patients for the first time in Bulgaria, as a procedure offered by the clinic \“New Life\“. Is there a place of Israeli experience in the new technologies in our country?
Prof. Laufer and I were part of the team at Hadassah Hospital, who developed the method TEFNA in Israel. As a pioneer of the method, I can assure you that our embryologists at New Life are very well trained to find spermatozoids aspirated and derived from TEFNA procedure. In this way we hope to offset the use of less invasive procedure. It is true that, in the open biopsy more tissue is taken, which increases the chances of finding spermatozoids, but the TEFNA method aspirates fluid from more locations in the testis. This is very important because in cases of azoospermia, where there is some residual process of spermatogenesis, it is done only in certain, often small number of seminal vesicle (focal spermatogenesis). Through Biopsy of a larger number of seats (Fokina), TEFNA method increases the chance for spermatozoids to be found.

prof. Neri Laufer of history and the perspective of the method IVF

Professor Neri Laufer is a character name in the world assisted reproduction. He was among the first doctors in the world to successfully carry out a human in vitro, founder of IVF centers in the US and Israel.
The team of \“Health close up\“ managed to meet him at his brief visit to the country, during which he consulted Bulgarian specialists about the latest methods and technologies for in vitro

Computer Assisted Spermogram (CASA) at the price of classical spermogram

Computer Assisted Spermogram (CASA) at the price of classical semen analysis – 60 lev (regular price 187.00 lev) until October 31 2015 at New Life clinic.
What is CASA and why choose it instead of the classical semen analysis?
Computer assisted sperm analyzer (CASA) is an automated system for semen analysis in which the concentration, motility and morphology of sperm are assessed by specialized software and special camera unlike classical semen analysis in which these parameters are measured by a biologist. The main advantage of semen analysis through CASA is that it eliminates the subjectivity associated with human factor, enabling better standardization of the study. Also sperm count software calculates more accurately sperm speed and stores its trajectory, as well as the dimensions of its three main constituents – a head, a neck and a tail. Besides calculating many more parameters at once, CASA system – available at New Life Specialized Medical Center Gynecology, gives better opportunities for the display of these parameters through graphs and images that we give to our patients as part of the analysis.

Prof. Neri Laufer visited „Good Morning, Bulgaria!“ at news station TV7

Prof. Neri Laufer – emblematic name in the world assisted reproduction sphere, one of the first doctors who fertilized a woman by in vitro method, the founder of many clinical centers in the US and Israel, visited \“Good Morning, Bulgaria!\“ at news station TV7
You can watch Prof.Laufer’s whole interview on the TV 7’s website or the official Facebook page of New Life Clinic

Dr. Dobrinka Petrova shared her personal experience

At the Open Door fo clinic New Life in Plovdiv and Sofia, Dr. Dobrinka Petrova shared her personal experience and wished more young families to experience real happiness of having the long-awaited baby.
She infored about the developments in the field of the assisted reproductive technologies. The Open Days gave an opportunity to all stakeholders to get acquainted with the rest of the staff, and the extremely comfortable conditions offered in the Bulgaria’s first Israeli Center for Reproductive Health.
High-tech equipment at New Life allows accurate and precise diagnosis and treatment. Experts at the medical center have been trained in prestigious hospitals Hadassa and Asuta in Israel. The team at the clinic diagnoses, advises and treats both female and male factor infertility.

„NEW LIFE“ Clinic presents to its patients the unique system CASA

Semen analysis via Computer Aided Sperm Analysis (CASA)
CASA is an automated system for sperm analysis which makes use of a software for the evaluation of sperm concentration, motility and morphology. The main advantage of CASA is that it eliminates the subjectivity associated with the human factor in manual semen analysis, thereby allowing for better standardization of the procedure. Furthermore, the software counts the spermatozoa more accurately, can calculate and record their exact speed and movement trajectory as well as the dimensions of their heads, midpieces and tails for more accurate morphology evaluation. Using computer aided sperm analysis also allows better visualization of the results, which aids patient understanding

„New Life“ clinic will take part in the day of reproductive health in Bansko

Free consultations with the best specialists in sterility in Bulgaria.
Bulgarian specialists from ten clinics specialized in assisted reproduction will conduct free individual consultations with patients in the Day of reproductive health on June 6 from 13:00 pm to 17:00 pm in hotel \“Orpheus\“ Bansko.
The highlights will be: Relief and sharing experiences, free individual consultations and group discussions with experts in the field of reproductive health, news in infertility treatment.
Again, all who walk the difficult path to pregnancy, will have the chance to meet in an informal setting the experts and to receive adequate information on medical, psychological and legal issues.
8 visitors of the Day of reproductive health in Bansko on June 6, 2015 will receive vouchers worth 500 BGN each
Traditionally, during the Day of reproductive health NGO \“Conception\“ gives vouchers for financial support for diagnosis and treatment of infertility. The funds for these vouchers are provided through donations from individuals and companies during the year. Voucher recipients are chosen via a public draw during the official closing day. Every visitor to the Day of reproductive health 2015 in Bansko, wishing to participate in the draw for a voucher for financial support amounting to 500 lev must complete a special registration card upon arrival at the event. Voucher winners sign a contract for donation and the money is paid after submission of documents for diagnoses and treatment.
Medical center \“New Life\“ will be represented by Dr. Vasil Daskalov and Dr. Mariela Daskalova
More information about the program of the event: www.zachatie.org and the phones of MTS New Life: 032 693 693 or free phone 0800 13 006