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Students from Medical University of Plovdiv visited „New Life“ clinic

Students led by the gynecologist/ obstetrician Dr. George Krumov were welcomed by the manager and colleague of Dr. Krumov, Dr. Dobrinka Petrova, and chief embryologist Assoc. Prof. Rumen Dimitrov, who delivered a lecture tracing each step of the process in embryotransfer. Also young future doctors observed an IUI procedure. Students visited the IVF laboratory where they had the opportunity to see the modern equipment of the center and observe the procedure for freezing embryos. The visit was accompanied by detailed explanations of the work in an IVF laboratory and handling liquid nitrogen.
The future doctors were impressed by what they saw. After the procedures they had the opportunity to ask numerous questions about the theoretical and practical aspects of the work process in a modern European IVF center.


Dr Dobrinka Petrova, medical manager and gynaecologist at New Life medical centre for reproductive health, of how a Bulgarian clinic partners with the best in vitro specialists in the world

New Life works in co-operation with internationally renowned specialists in infertility treatment, from Israel. What is the feeling to be a partner to names such as Professor Neri Laufer and Dr Anat Safran?
Working side by side with Professor Neri Laufer, the second physician in the world to perform successful human in vitro fertilisation, and the mastermind of the in vitro programmes of the Yale University, New York, and Atlanta University, in the US, together with Dr Anat Safran, is a great honour and pleasure. These people have more than 30 years of experience in the field of reproductive medicine, they are avant-garde thinkers and have the feeling of mission to this world. We are happy that we have the opportunity to work together with them, to share their mission and to give all our knowledge and passion that Bulgaria has more children.

Tell us more on the specialists in New Life and the technologies used at the clinic?

We are the first in vitro centre in Bulgaria which have imported know how from Israel in the field of assisted reproduction technologies. The whole medical team of the clinic has successfully graduated prestigious training at the famed Israeli hospitals Hadassah in Jerusalem and Assuta Rishon close to Tel Aviv, and not only there, of course.
New Life clinicThe centre has modern equipment, including the latest micromanipulation system of Eppendorf for ICSI fertilisation – TransferMan 4r and benchtop incubator with 10 segments. This type of incubator sustains a much more stable temperature, pH and carbon dioxide during opening, than the standard incubators. This is crucial for the success of an in vitro procedure.

What is the difference in the approach towards the New Life patients?

We as specialists have an individual approach towards each patient, and pay attention not only to the medical side of the infertility treatment, but also to the human and emotional story of the patient. That is why many of our patients stay in touch with the physician who have helped them to create their family long after the successful end of their procedures.

Which is the biggest satisfaction in your work?

What is important to us is to see the tears of happiness in the eyes of our patients, this is the great mission for our team, and we fight for it every day. The feeling, when we manage to do this on a daily basis, is beyond description, because our patients are a part of us and we know their problem personally.

University Hospital „Sofiamed“ recommends New Life fertility center to its patients

“New Life” expands its opportunities by signing a partnership agreement with University Hospital \“Sofiamed\“

University Hospital for Active Treatment \“Sofiamed\“ is part of a chain of hospitals, operating in Bulgaria. This is the first hospital of the chain that \“New Life\“ Medical Center for Reproductive Health signed a contract with. Contracts with the other hospitals in the chain will follow during the year.

Students from the first master degree in Reproductive Biology in Bulgaria visited IVF center „New Life“

On the International Day of the health worker, the students of University of Plovdiv \“Paisii Hilendarski\“ ‘s first Reproductive Biology master degree program in the country had the opportunity to see the latest IVF center in Plovdiv.
Students were welcomed by the chief embryologist o f the clinic Dr Rumen Dimitrov,
who gave a visual lecture tracing each step of an IVF cycle. Students visited the IVF laboratory where they had the opportunity to see the modern equipment of the center and to monitor the performance of semen analysis in the clinical setting.
Future embryologists asked their questions related to various aspects of assisted reproduction- the sphere of their future career development.

New Life Specialized Medical Center of Gynecology has its own in-house donor sperm bank

New Life Specialized Medical Center of Gynecology has its own in-house donor sperm bank comprised of samples from carefully selected and tested donors of spermatozoa. The tests carried out include HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Syphilis tests. Donor sperm is frozen and quarantined for a period of 180 days. Before his samples are released from quarantine, each donor is retested in order to minimize the risk of disease transmission. All approved donors are healthy young men with very high quality sperm.
As well as its own cryobank, New Life has a contract with 2 international European sperm banks. They offer a wide range of over 150 donors of various ethnicity, hair and eye colour, height, weight, blood type and educational status. As well as the transmissive diseases testing, required by Bulgarian law, the two cryobanks that we work with also test the carrier status of their donors for some of the most common genetic diseases in the European population, such as Cystic Fibrosis and Sickle Cell Anemia. Due to transportation costs and the higher standard of living in Western Europe, donor sperm from the European sperm banks is, however, more expensive.
If you are interested in an assisted reproductive procedure with donor sperm, you may come to New Life for a free consultation. During the consultation, one of our embryologists will help you chose a donor and will provide detailed information about your upcoming procedure.

We at Medical Center for Reproductive Health „NEW LIFE“ and Piraeus Bank present: „PLAN BABY“

IVF is a wonderful opportunity, but should not be delayed in time – Time is a crucial factor and is directly dependent on the age of the woman. For this we at New Life has had an idea for Additional funding except the known “Center for Assisted Reproduction”and \“Municipal In Vitro Funds \“. Thus we proposed to Piraeus Bank to create a product with the best possible conditions in order to save your time
You can get additional information about the product: www.piraeusbank.bg
or from our consultant in New Life Clinic of 032,693,693 and toll free phone 0800 13 006

The Ambassador of Israel Shaul Khamisa Raz arrived for the Open Day which „New Life“ organized in Plovdiv

The first targeted consumer credit \“Plan Baby\“ that assists couples with fertility problems is a fact, thanks to the partnership between the IVF center \“New Life\“ and \“Piraeus\“ bank. The new option was presented in Plovdiv today at the Open Day that the IVF center organized. In the presentation of what the couples with fertility problems could get at one of the most significant Israeli investments in the field of health, such as IVF center \“New Life\“, the Ambassador of Israel in Bulgaria Hon. Shaul Khamisa Raz was present.
Infertile patients now have another opportunity to successfully solve a health problem by obtaining highly specialized and professional support from our team. This was mentioned by the medical manager of the clinic Dr. Dobrinka Petrova at the Open Day today where the consultant of the center and one of the first doctors in the world to perform a successful in vitro prof. Neri Laufer was present.
Lack of funds has never stopped Bulgarians to realize their dream to have a child. Sometimes, however, the road to achieving this is quite difficult, and before the establishment of the Fund for assisted reproduction, this road was even painful – many couples were forced to sell their homes to pay in vitro experiments – recalled the chief gynecologist of \“New Life\“ Dr. Georgi Krumov . And although this is already in the past, there are still people who need financial support. And we believe that no dream deserves more support than the desire of a new life, said the partners of the clinic and the bank representatives.
Clinic enhanced its business and also signed a partnership with the University Hospital \“Sofiamed\“.

World famous names in the IVF reproduction field consult at New Life clinic. Miracles happening in Plovdiv with the help of Israeli know-how

In the difficult way to the fulfillment of the dream of having a baby and to more infertile couples to be able to hear the magic\“ Mom \“,\“ Dad \“- there’s no going alone. We need specialists with high professionalism.

This is extremely important, but it alone is not enough. The specialist needs to be a friend as well. And the friend whom you trust. We want to assure you that in medical center \“New Life\“ you will find exactly that. We are confident that together we will succeed in the battle to bring home a baby, Future patients are introduced to the clinic with these words by the proven authority in assisted reproduction, one of the first doctors to do successful human IVF, founder of the IVF Center at the University Hospital of Yale and \“Mount Sinai\“ in New York – prof. Neri Laufer, and the medical manager of \“New Life\“ Dr. Dobrinka Petrova.They are honest – the road to success would not be easy.
But they promise to give everything, to be together with their patients to a successful end. The interest by couples with fertility problems is enormous less than 1 year after the opening of the newest and most modern IVF center in Bulgaria with Israeli know-how.\“New Life\“ indicates that the location of major investments, quality and professionalism is not only in Sofia.

Clinic’s team successfully transfers the leading experience of Israel in the field of reproductive technologies and applies international best practices identified by the consultants – prof. Neri Laufer and Dr. Anat Safran – a world-renowned embryologist with over 30 years experience in the field of assisted reproduction. They are involved in the determination of diagnosis and methods of treatment for each patient. \“New Life\“ features the best modern equipment, including
latest Micromanipulation system – an Eppendorf for ICSI fertilization – TransferMan 4r and benchtop incubator (benchtop incubator) with 10 compartments. Important for patients to know is that this type of technology supports gives more constant values than standard incubators – an important condition for successful IVF.
The team of \“New Life\“, with chief gynecologist Dr. Dobrinka Petrova and and chief embryologist Assoc. Prof. Rumen Dimitrov, has undergone successful training in prestigious clinics abroad, as well as in the famous hospital \“Hadassah\“ in Jerusalem and \“Asuta Rishon\“ near Tel Aviv. Chief embryologist Rumen Dimitrov, Dr. Georgi Krumov, Dr. Vasil Daskalov are among the names that patients not only know as outstanding professionals but as people who can trust. \“New Life\“ thanked for the trust in it with a charity campaign and donated procedures to infertile couples.
When the infertility is unexplained, a combination of methods is applied.

PESA gives the chance even after a vasectomy, AH helps the embryo to \“hatch\“.
When a couple can not have children naturally, the reasons for this should be identified. Sometimes a minimal intervention is needed by the doctors for a baby to be born. When tests show that there is a serious problem, however, a pregnancy is usually achieved with any of the following methods:
* IVF / in vitro fertilization / – this is a classical in vitro fertilization, in which sperm finds its own way to the egg and penetrates it. –This is done when the sperm and the oocyte could not meet ( blockage of or non-existent fallopian tubes, etc.) when there are normal ejaculate parameters.

* ICSI / intracytoplasmic sperm injection / – represents the injection of sperm at the oocyte when sperm is insufficient (Oligo-Astheno-zoospermia) or there isan immunological factor and the sperm can not reach and penetrate the oocyte. Microinjection is necessary when the oocyte has a very hard shell and doesn’t let the sperm inside. In many cases of idiopathic (unexplained) infertility in the couple , combined IVF ICSI cycle is applied so the two gametes could meet.
* PESA – subcutaneous aspiration of sperm from the epididymis (a landfill, which collects mature sperm). This non-invasive procedure lasts several minutes. -when there is a blockage (obstructive Azoospermia) or after vasectomy. The sample can be frozen after aspiraqtion and thawed at a later stage, in order to inject the oocytes with it (ICSI).
* TESE – extraction of sperm after surgically taking tissue from the testicles. This is done when there is a blockage (obstructive Azoospermia) and in very severe Oligoathenozoospermia – the tissue is checked for sperm and immature spermatids. This sample can be frozen after aspiration and thawed at a later stage in order to inject the oocytes (ICSI), but in many cases survival of testicular tissue after thawing is low.
* ELSI, ROSI / elongated spermatids, round spermatid / – these are the methods of injection of immature sperm into the oocytes. It is done straight after PESA or TESE and replaces the ICSI procedure when there is no mature sperm (arrest in spermatogenesis) or insufficient number for the extracted oocytes in severe Oligoathenozoospermia.
* AH / assisted hatching / – A small opening is made in the envelope of the developing embryo, which contributes to its possible implantation in a later stage. This is done only when there is very thick shell of the embryo which prevents the \“hatching\“ . It is made Routinely and for pre-implantation diagnosis.
* AD / assisted defragmentation / – preceded by AH and is made in cases where embryos are not developing well and form a large percentage of fragments (cell structures that do not contain genetic material) that interfere with fetal development.

IVF center „New Life“ donated procedures for an infertile couple

Medical manager Dr Dobrinka Petrova handed a voucher to representatives of „Conception“ Association
The newest IVF centre in the country New Life donated procedures for a couple with fertility problems to the „Conception“ Association . The medical manager Dr Dobrinka Petrova handed vouchers to the representatives of the non-governmental organization. The couple will be selected by a draw. The team of „New Life“ chose to hand in the voucher exactly on the Day of maternal care and Babin day celebrated on 21 January. As Dr. Petrova says – „in the name of helping more people to hear“ Mom, Dad – I love you.“

The funds for this cause were collected at the charitable Christmas exhibition, organized by „New Life“ and supported by the administration and the Mayor of Region South of the Plovdiv Municipality on Christmas Eve. Previously, in early December, the team\’s newest IVF center announced in the regional kindergartens that there would be a drawing competition with theme „My family“. Over 150 works were submitted to the center for the noble cause.

In the presence of pregnant women, patients of the hospital and the team of „New Life“, as well as the made with love children’s drawings, Dr. Dobrinka Petrova washed her hands according to the ritual of Babin day and wished everyone a good year. There was a Symbolic forecast at that time. „There will be many children. Boys! „- shouted the team of „New Life“, after Dr. Petrova broke the ritual bread to many pieces.

Free consultations from Prof. Neri Laufer at „New Life“ clinic

From January 24 to 28 / 2015, Prof. Neri Laufer will visit \“New Life\“ clinic again. Especially for the couples who could not be consulted at the last visit because of the great interest of all the patients, prof. Laufer will take some of his personal time to pay attention to all who wish to consult with him and the team of \“New Life \“ clinic.

For five days prof. Laufer and the team of IVF center \“New Life\“ will advise and answer questions from prospective parents absolutely free!

Consultations are limited!

We ask all couples wishing to make an appointment to call tel. 032/693 693 or toll free 0800 13 006, where they will receive full information on opportunities for consultation. Consultations are free of charge.