New Life Clinic Burgas presents to its patients the unique computerized system for sperm analysis.

From 22.06.2020 all interested couples of New Life Fertility Center and our Male Center New Life who are looking for a reliable sperm analysis will be able to do it right here in our New Life Center Burgas.

For more information and to make an appointment, please contact us at tel.: +359879084777 and +35956555588

Please note that by utilizing (CASA) our sperm analyzes is extremely accurate. All sperm analysis performed in our clinic are being analyzed by our specialist embryologist and urologist and will be delivered and explained to you by our IVF specialist. The analysis is in full compliance with the requirements of the Reproductive Health Fund and can be submitted as part of your application to the Fund.

Recent studies show that 40 – 50% of infertility cases in a couple are man related. Sperm analysis is the first and basic method for determining whether a man’s natural ability to reproduce is affected. According to the method of semen examination, sperm analysis is divided into two types — conventional and computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA).

CASA is an automated sperm analysis system in which sperm concentration, motility and morphology are analyzed by specialized software. The main advantage of CASA is that it eliminates the subjectivity associated with the human factor, in manual semen analysis, thereby allowing better standardization of the procedure. The analysis made by this method gives much more detailed information about the concentration of spermatozoids in the sperm, their motility, morphology, vitality and the presence of DNA fragmentation.

Computer Aided Sperm Analysis (CASA)

Semen Analysis




On the Open Day of New Life Burgas, the manager of the clinic Dr. Dobrinka Petrova presented comprehensive information about the center. She personally answered all the questions that concern couples with reproductive problems and gave full information about the services offered at In vitro Center NewLife — donor programs for sperm, egg donation, in vitro procedures, as well as the latest developments in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. It was also an ideal opportunity for all present to consult for free and meet Dr. Popov, who represents «Male Center New Life» in Burgas, focused on male fertility health. The center announced that they will soon start making sperm analysis, which will make it easier for many patients from Burgas and the region.

The high-tech equipment in New Life allows accurate and precise diagnosis and treatment. Our team has been trained at the prestigious Hassada and Asuta Hospitals in Israel and easily diagnoses, consults and treats both female and male infertility factors.


The team of the newest point for reproductive health in our city – “New Life Clinic” organizes an Open Day and Free consultations in Burgas.

On June the 7th, 2020 – Sunday, parents-to-be from Burgas and the Southern Black Sea coast region will be able to receive answers to all the questions they are interested in from our highly professional and responsible team. During the visit, personally the manager of NewLife clinic – Dr. Dobrinka Petrova will inform you about the newest modern reproductive technologies in the sphere of assisted reproduction.

Interested couples must request attendance at +35956555599 or +359 879 084 777, where they will receive full information about the event. The consultations are completely free! We ask all interested patients to call in advance and request attendance. The number of consultations is limited.

The new center in the seaside town is a satellite of the leading clinic for male and female reproductive health and assisted reproduction New Life – Plovdiv. Patients from Burgas and the region now have easy and fast access to the latest technologies in assisted reproduction, they can be consulted, examined or follow their pregnancy here on place in Burgas. New Life Clinic Burgas offers full range of specialized medical care and gives patients a chance to trust the highly qualified team of New Life – Plovdiv, headed by our medical manager – obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Dobrinka Petrova, consulted by internationally recognized specialists in the field of assisted reproduction.
Dr.Petrova will introduce to our future patients the full range of services applied in the New Life – donor programs for sperm, eggs donation, classic in vitro procedures, ICSI or IMSI with the latest technologies in reproductive medicine. The NewLife Egg donation program cooperate with a world donation bank, which allows patient to choose an appropriate donor from a catalogue and the waiting time is minimized.

We will introduce you Dr. Vasil Popov – a specialist urologist part of the “NewLife Male Center for Reproductive Health”- caring entirely for male fertility, who will speak about different methodology of treating male infertility. The “New Life Male Center” has CASA(computer assisted spermogram analysis), Cryo Bank and performs TEFNA(testicular biopsy-the newest ang gentle method for analysis) which is completely new for the region of Burgas.

New Life Clinic and Desi Bakardjieva

The actress from the series «Stolen life» Desi Bakardjieva joined the «Dream with the Desi — When the Stars Dream With You» charity campaign, organized by the New Life Clinic -Plovdiv. The start was given on March 1, and the winners were selected for Tsvetnica Holiday. Yesterday at a special ceremony at the Plovdiv hospital the winners received an in-vitro procedure with stimulation included and one donor egg procedure with 50% discount.

«I was looking forward to reading the emotional stories of couples with reproductive problems because they really touch my heart. Each letter is a little inspiration, and I sincerely share the emotions of families and what they really want most. Before one of the brightest Easter holidays, I want to send to all the message that they have to believe in the power they possess, not to give up and always make the first steps. This is the most important thing — the first steps towards their dreams and desires. Once you do it — the wheel turns and everything goes in the right direction, «said Desi Bakardzhieva.

The actress got acquainted with the winners and handed them certificates for the campaign procedures. For their part, they met with the doctors of New Life who would be close to them in the coming months. «It was not easy to choose the winners. We read the letters very carefully, we discussed them with New Life team and we unanimously decided that these were the two most inspiring letters that really touched us. I believe unreservedly in the team of the clinic and in the couples, and I will keep a close watch on the future results of the procedures. I wish them patience and curiosity in the most wonderful adventure in their lives — to become parents, » said Desi at the end of the event.

Campaign «Dream with Desi — When the Stars Dream With You!»

It’s time to announce the winning couples in our joint campaign with actress Desi Bakardjieva.

The actress from the series «Stolen Life» Desi Bakardjieva joined the «Dream with Desi — When the Stars Dream With You» charity campaign organized by New Life Clinic. The start was given on  March 1, and the winners who will receive an in vitro procedure with stimulation included and an in vitro donor egg procedure with a 50% discount were selected on the day of Cvetnitsa, «I was looking forward to reading the emotional stories of couples with reproductive problems because they are a real treasure for my heart. Each letter is a little inspiration, and I sincerely share the emotions of families and what they really want most. On the verge of one of the brightest holidays – Easter, I want to send to all the message that they have to believe in the power of dreams, to not give up and always make the first steps. This is the most important thing — the first steps towards their dreams and desires. If you do that, the wheel turns and everything goes in the right direction. We chose to announce the end of the campaign at a time when we are all together, getting better, united and taking over the magic of the Easter spirit, «said Desi Bakardjieva. In early May, winners will be handed a certificate for the procedures in the New Life campaign. «It was not easy to choose the winners. We read the letters very carefully, discussed them with the New Life team and decided that these were the two most inspiring letters that really touched us, the actress said.

The names of the two couples who will get the chance to fulfill their dreams are:
  1. M. Sirakov from Plovdiv
  2.  R. Dimitrova from Bourgas

Thanks to everyone who took part in the «Dream with Desi» campaign. We are always at your disposal when you need our help!

Мечтай с Деси

Dream with Desi

Take part in the charity campaign “Dream with Desi – When the Stars Dream With You!” by actress Desi Bakardjieva and New Life Clinic.

New Life Clinic donates one free in vitro procedure with stimulation included and an in vitro donor egg procedure with a 50% discount.

Send Dessy Bakardjieva and New Life Clinic your personal history, thoughts and feelings as a letter to e-mail: desi@newlifeclinic.bg and you can fulfill your most cherished dream – a home filled with child’s laughter!

The dedication of the loved by all actress Dessy Bakardjieva, together with the New Life Clinic in Plovdiv, to the couples with reproductive problems in Bulgaria, prompted the star we know from the tv screen and New Life in vitro center to create the “Dream with Desi – When the Stars Dream with you! ” campaign which will fulfill the dreams of two Bulgarian families by donating one in vitro procedure with stimulation included and an in vitro procedure with donor eggs with a 50% discount. The campaign starts on 01/03/2019 and will continue until 21/04/2019 – Great Sunday. Dessy Bakardjieva and the team of the clinic will announce who the lucky ones are on April 22, 2019, Great Monday.

All those who meet the conditions for the in vitro procedure, as well as the donor egg one, can take part in the initiative. They will have to write a letter in which to share their emotional story. Participants must first learn about the rules for participating in the clinic’s website.
In the week before Easter – one of the brightest family holidays, make your dream come true and embrace the chance to become a parent with the support of Dessy Bakardjieva and New Life Clinic.


The campaign is open only to Bulgarian citizens.

Как да Подобрим Шансовете си за Забременяване при Ин Витро с Мъжки Фактор

TOPIC of the Open Day: How to Improve your Chances of Pregnancy with Male Factor

Dear friends,

We would like to welcome you to Our Open Day on 15th October (Monday) 2018 at 18:00 at New Life Clinic Plovdiv!

TOPIC of the Open Day: How to Improve your Chances of Pregnancy with Male Factor

We would like to welcome you on 15th October 2018 at 18:00 at New Life Clinic, where as part of our open day specifically for couples interested in achieving pregnancy with Male Factor infertility, you will receive complete information about innovations in the treatment of male factor by dr. Anat Safran (international embryology consultant), dr. Desislava Gadjeva (urologist with extensive experience in the treatment of male infertility) and Assoc. prof.  Rumen Dimitrov (chief embryologist of New Life clinic).

We ask all couples who would like to attend the open day to confirm their presence by calling 032/693 693 or 0800 13 006, where you would receive additional information about the event. You can also confirm your presence by sending us a personal message to the clinic’s Facebook page.




As many of you know in about half of the cases, fertility issues are due to male factor. For this reason, even if the treating obstetrician-gynecologist identifies a possible cause of infertility in the woman, her male partner has to be checked as well. Semen analysis is the first test to be performed in men. It gives information about the three basic fertility parameters — sperm concentration, motility and morphology.

At New Life Fertility Center patients can come for semen analysis any time between 10 am and 3 pm on week days without an appointment. The results of the test are ready in about 2 hours after the biological material is made available and can also be sent via e-mail.

Despite having reference values ​​in the semen analysis, which allows the patient to compare his results with the norm, those results need to be explained to the patient by a doctor. In general, this is the partner’s obstetrician-gynecologist or a urologist.

At New Life Fertility Center, we recommend patients to consult a urologist, preferably experienced in the treatment of male infertility. The partner’s treating physician may also look at the results, but in any case if there are deviations from the reference values, the patient is referred to a urologist. As well as interpreting the results of the semen analysis, the urologist may, if necessary, examine the patient, refer him for further tests, and treat him. That is why, consultating a urologist straight after your semen analysis results come out saves you time and money.

At New Life Clinic we offer a discounted package price for «semen analysis + urologist consultation», because we want to take good care of our patients.




Nowadays, sexually transmitted infections are still a problem, despite the improved level of sexual education and the widely available means of protection. Chlamydia infection remains one of the most common in sexually active people.

We can be infected with chlamydia during vaginal, oral and anal intercourse. Chlamydia infection can affect many parts of the body outside the reproductive system. For instance, it can infect the throat during an oral contact or the rectum during anal intercourse. If the infection goes untreated, the bacteria can even reach the eyes and the heart through the bloodstream.

The main problem with Chlamydia is that for both men and women in over 50% of cases there are no symptoms, so no medical care is sought. In the rest of the cases, men complain of a white to yellowish discharge from the penis or pain during urination.


From the urethra, chlamydia moves towards the prostate, epididymis and ultimately the testicles. This poses the risk of inflammation in these structures. Especially dangerous is the inflammation of the epididymis. This part of the testis is comprised of a complex network of tubules in which sperm matures. During ejaculation sperm moves from the epididymis through the urethra and outside of the body.

If left untreated, a chlamydia infection can cause obstruction of the tubules of the epididymis, preventing sperm’s movement. Such a condition is known as obstructive azoospermia (a complete lack of sperm in the ejaculate due to a blockage).

The best option is for the infection to be diagnosed as early as possible and treated successfully. If a blockage is already present, the treating urologist has to decide together with the patient what the best course of action is. Epididymis or testicular biopsy remains as a last resort option for the procurement of spermatozoa.


Bacteria of the genera Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma are found in the reproductive tracts of many men and women. These bacteria do not cause problems in a normally functioning immune system. If an infection develops, men complain of a burning sensation and frequent urination.

The diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections in men is determined after a microbiological examination of semen (ejaculate), urine or urethral secretions. If diagnosed early, they are successfully treated with antibiotics. We believe that prevention of sexually transmitted infections should always be a priority. So if you do not plan to become a parent in the near future, always use condoms!

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Dear friends,

In the past when a woman could not conceive, people always assumed she was the reason. Nowadays, we know that half the time they were wrong. Regardless of whether we are talking about female or male factor infertility, if a woman, 35 years old or younger, has been trying to conceive for 1 year with no results, she should consult a fertility specialist. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) for women over the age of 35, that time is shortened to 6 months. This is due to the rapid decline in female fertility after that age.

A 2012 survey from WHO with data from 190 countries, states 1 in 4 couples of reproductive age is affected by infertility. In half of those cases, infertility is caused by male factor. We have to exclude cases of unexplained infertility (~ 10%), because in those cases conventional diagnostic methods did not identifying the cause of infertility.  In other words if 1 in 4 couples has fertility issues, then 1 in 8 (~13%) of those couples is affected by male factor infertility. Once we subtract unexplained infertility cases, we get that roughly 10% of men trying for a baby have serious deviations from normal semen parameters. That percentage does not include men with slight deviations from the norm, which do not necessitate treatment or in vitro fertilization to achieve a pregnancy.


Semen analysis evaluates male fertility based on different parameters of the ejaculate (semen). The three most important parameters which it analyses are:

  1. Sperm concentration per ml of ejaculate
  2. Sperm motility and
  3. Sperm morphology (shape).

According to the World Health Organisation at least two semen analyses have to be done for reliable results. There has to be at least a month between the two analyses. In this way the treating physician will know that the results are not just momentary but accurately represent the fertility status of the patient.

Unfortunately, some men do not wish to get semen analysis testing, because they fear the results. It is important to know, however, that the result of a semen analysis is not a diagnosis. Diagnosis is given by a physician after physical examination and a number of tests. The earlier you take care of yourself and your fertility, the better!