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Dr. Anat Safran talks about the most intrusive methods for testicular biopsy in the world.

Dr. Safran tell us more about the method of testicular biopsy TEFNA? How many types of biopsies testicular are there and why TEFNA is the best and safest method?
There is an ongoing debate in the field of assisted reproductive technologies in terms of which is the best method for testicular biopsy. There are of course more than two methods, but the main subspecies are two – open-biopsy and aspiration biopsy type. When sperm are aspirated from the testicles through TEFNA (type aspiration biopsy), scrotum (skin bag in which the testicles are located) is not open surgically and sperm is aspirated through a needle passing through the scrotum. The aim is to find enough sperm to fertilize eggs using the most non-invasive methods
What is classical testicular biopsy as a method known to people?
Open testicular biopsy (TESE) is far more invasive. It involves opening the scrotum and biopsy of pieces of tissue from the testicles. So the main argument against TESE procedure is the causing of major structural damage to the testicles and recovery period after the procedure is longer. The main argument against TEFNA procedure is that it gives less chance for spermatozoids to be found. New Life team is trained to perform both procedures, but, unlike other IVF centers in Bulgaria, our first choice is always the most sparing method for the patient – TEFNA.
TEFNA is Israeli methodology and is known to patients for the first time in Bulgaria, as a procedure offered by the clinic \“New Life\“. Is there a place of Israeli experience in the new technologies in our country?
Prof. Laufer and I were part of the team at Hadassah Hospital, who developed the method TEFNA in Israel. As a pioneer of the method, I can assure you that our embryologists at New Life are very well trained to find spermatozoids aspirated and derived from TEFNA procedure. In this way we hope to offset the use of less invasive procedure. It is true that, in the open biopsy more tissue is taken, which increases the chances of finding spermatozoids, but the TEFNA method aspirates fluid from more locations in the testis. This is very important because in cases of azoospermia, where there is some residual process of spermatogenesis, it is done only in certain, often small number of seminal vesicle (focal spermatogenesis). Through Biopsy of a larger number of seats (Fokina), TEFNA method increases the chance for spermatozoids to be found.

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