New Life Clinic


Inside New Life Clinic

On October 05, 2019 / Saturday / at 11:00 – Open Day at New Life Reproductive Health Center and free consultation with New Life team for couples visiting Open Day.
All couples are kindly requested to make an appointment on 032/693 693 or on our free phone number 0800 13 006, where they will receive complete information about the event.

When you visit, you will have the opportunity to see the clinic from the inside and get answers to questions that interest you from specialists who are not only excellent professionals but also people with an extremely positive attitude. The manager of New Life, Dr. Dobrinka Petrova, together with Dr. Dimitar Tanev, Dr. Andrey Minchev and Dr. Maria Mateeva and the embryologists Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rumen Dimitrov, Tsvetomir Ivanov, and Hristina Georgieva will personally inform you about the latest in assisted reproductive technology. Our Open Day will give you an opportunity to get to know the rest of the staff and the extremely comfortable conditions offered by the first Israeli Center for Reproductive Health in Bulgaria.



The compassion that we and our partners feel for couples with reproductive issues drove us to create the “Wish!” campaign. For the 5th year in a row the campaign will make possible the dream of more Bulgarian families by donating 2 IVF procedures. The “Wish!” campaign is open to all Bulgarian citizens. This year our team decided to combine the power of modern technologies with the positive message of the campaign. That is why we ask you to send us photos. The campaign officially starts on 1st December and concludes on 25th December 2018. You can send your videos until the end date of the campaign. Voting for the different clips will take place until 20 January 2019. On the 21 January the team of New Life will announce the winners.




Those of you who have been through IVF know that on the day of the procedure the male partner has to have between 2 and 5 days of sexual abstinence. The same is true if the man is going for semen analysis. What actually happens in the male body in those 2 to 5 days? Is there a connection between sexual abstinence in men and pregnancy rate?

Unlike ovulation in women, which is cyclical (usually once every 28 days), spermatogenesis is a constant process. Spermatozoa are stored in the epididymis and during ejaculation mix with secretions from the male accessory glands. These include mainly the prostate and seminal vesicles. It is logical to assume that the longer the period of sexual abstinence in a man, the more sperm will accumulate. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) reference values for sperm concentration, motility and morphology were determined for 2 to 5 days of abstinence. The reason is that this abstinence period is within physiological limits. Outside those limits the sperm accumulated in the epididymis could overflow and is flushed with urine.

There is some evidence that abstinence longer than the mentioned above could result in deterioration of sperm quality, in spite of the fact that semen volume and sperm concentration are usually higher. This deterioration is thought to be due to an increase in DNA fragmentation. It is hypothesized that when sperm are stored in the epididymis for long periods of time, they are exposed to free radicals, which increase the percentage of sperm with fragmented DNA. As the smallest cell in the human body with a very small amount of cytoplasm, the spermatozoon has limited mechanisms for neutralization of free radicals. Therefore, it is not recommended for spermatozoa to be left for a long time in the epididymis or once they are ejaculated.

According to a study published in 2017 in the prestigious American journal Fertility and Sterility, IVF cycles in which the male partner had less than 5 days of abstinence have on average higher pregnancy and live birth rates.



Sperm freezing allows long term storage and later use of your spermatozoa.

  1. Men or teenage boys who are about to undergo a treatment toxic to their spermatozoa. In most cases this is chemotherapy or radiotherapy. In 2018 the Center for Assisted Reproduction, governmental body providing funding for IVF, started funding egg freezing for medical reasons, as well as the subsequent IVF procedure. The purpose of this new policy is to allow women below 35, diagnosed with cancer, to preserve their fertility following chemo/radiotherapy. Unfortunately, the government does not fund sperm freezing for men with cancer. In spite of this, men must be informed of the option for fertility preservation well in advance of the start of their chemo/radiotherapy.
Men/teenage boys who are about to undergo pelvic or testicular surgery should also be advised to freeze sperm for the purpose of fertility preservation. The same is true for men, whose jobs could negatively influence their sperm quality (e.g. exposure to heavy metals, irradiation or high temperature).
  1. Men who will be absent/ abroad on the day of the IVF procedure. Whether due to work or other commitments, sometimes the male partner cannot be present on the day of the procedure. In such cases, having frozen specimen(s) is the only way to do the procedure. It is important to know that fresh sperm is always better than frozen due to the fact that some of the spermatozoa do not survive the freezing process. Therefore, frozen material is used only when there is no alternative.
  2. Men with very low sperm parameters or those having difficulty with ejaculation. This is especially important for men who sometimes have no sperm in their ejaculate. Even if other times there are single spermatozoa in the ejaculate, spermatozoa are frozen before the procedure as a back-up. Men with diabetes or other conditions causing erectile dysfunction are also advised to have back-up frozen sperm on the day of the IVF procedure.


WHAT does THE SEMEN ANALYSIS TERM «Oligozoospermia» mean?
The term «Oligozoospermia» is composed of the prefix «Oligo-» (from Greek — few), the word «zoo» (existing) and «spermia» (seed, semen). «Oligo-» refers to the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. The connecting word «zoo» in this case refers to the spermatozoa themselves, not the semen. «Spermia» is the only part that is always present in the conclusion of a semen analysis.

Thus, the term «Oligozoospermia» means that there is a reduced number of sperm in the whole ejaculate or a reduced concentration (number of sperm / ml of semen). The reduced number / concentration of sperm is determined by comparison with the reference values. New Life Clinic uses reference values ​​for concentration, motility and morphology that are in accordance with the 1999 World Health Organization Manual for the Processing of Human Sperm.
The reason is that the Center for Assisted Reproduction medical indications for financing of male factor infertility couples are also in line with this manual.

WHAT do «OligoASTHENOzoospermia» and «OligoTERATOzoospermia» mean? The reduced number / concentration of sperm is only one of the possible deviations. In addition, sperm motility could also be impaired. Motility deviations are marked by adding the prefix «astheno-«.Similarly, deviations from the reference interval for the third major parameter — morphology is marked by adding the prefix «terato-«. «Terato» comes from the ancient Greek word for «monster». Morphology is, generally speaking, the shape of the spermatozoon. Therefore, having а large number of «abnormal / monstrous» sperm is termed Teratozoospermia.
It is very important to understand that the result of a semen analysis is not a diagnosis. Sperm parameters vary between different samples of the same patient, sometimes considerably. They are affected by a variety of factors, including the number of days of abstinence, and are subject to improvement




A study published last year by scientists at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem showed that there was a sharp drop in the quality of sperm among Western men. The data collected from 7,500 publications in the medical literature showed a 52.5% reduction in sperm concentration between 1973 and 2011.

Scientists argue that supplementing the diet may improve sperm functioning. Adding nuts to your diet, especially almonds, rich in omega-3, vitamin B and folic acid, can improve sperm quality and quantity in a matter of weeks.  The research was presented at this year’s annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) in Barcelona.

«The medical literature is rich in evidence that a lifestyle change that includes a healthy diet increases the chance of pregnancy,» said Dr. Albert Sallas Huatus of the University of Rubiera Virgili in Spain.

The researchers also noted that low sperm count may predict an increase in mortality and morbidity among men. In previous studies, it was found that low sperm counts are associated with environmental and modern lifestyle factors, including exposure to prenatal chemicals, exposure to pesticides, smoking, stress and obesity.

A Harvard study published this month found that the chances of successful fertilization decrease not only with maternal age but with paternal age, as well. The study found a decrease in fertilization rate if the male partner is over the age of 40.

In conclusion, even though female fertility decreases more sharply after the age of 35 and especially after the age of 40, bear in mind that male fertility diminishes as well. Switching to a healthier diet, including nuts and anti-oxidant-rich foods, and exercising regularly can ameliorate this decrease in male fertility. These measures could prove useful for young men with abnormal sperm parameters as well.

If there are serious deviations from reference values, however, the cause has to be sought and if possible treated/removed. Greatest improvement in semen parameters is observed in men, in whom the underlying condition is successfully treated or the occupational hazard removed.



Marijuana has been known to mankind for millennia. For the first time, it wasmentioned in manuscripts from Ancient China dating from 2373. BC. It was used both as a recreational drug and as a medicine. Marijuana is banned in many countries, including Bulgaria. In others, it is decriminalized in some form (for example, medical marijuana). Today, marijuana is more widespread than ever before, which makes us wonder if its use can affect fertility.

It is known that chronic use of marijuana can lead to addiction and, in the worst case scenario, to psychiatric problems. Precisely because it is forbidden in so many places, there are not many studies about its  connection to infertility, but experts believe that it may have an impact.


The effects of marijuana on fertility are better studied in men. Regular use can reduce libido and lead to problems with erection and ejaculation. Semen analyses of these men also show abnormalities. They usually have a smaller number of sperm cells whose motility is also altered. Exposed to THC (tetrahydrocannabinol — the substance that makes you high), sperm initially show hypermotility (move very quickly). Consequently, their speed decreases and, as a result, they can hardly reach the egg.


In women, marijuana also reduces libido. Its frequent use is also associated with irregular ovulation. After smoking marijuana, THC is found in the female reproductive which affects sperm and thus the chances of fertilization to occur. The use of marijuana is also associated with an increased risk of miscarriage due to its effects on rapidly dividing cells such as the embryo’s cells. THC can indeed relieve the feeling of nausea, but its embryotoxicity makes it contraindicated in pregnant women.

THC can be found in the body for up to 8 days after a single marijuana use. Regular «consumers» need 2-3 months to clean marijuana from their bodies. If you plan to become pregnant, it is important to stop using marijuana. If you or someone you know has a problem with marijuana or other illegal substances, you can find help.

Диабет и фертиност


Diabetes affects nearly 10% of the world’s population. It is a serious metabolic disorder, which affects fertility in both women and men.

The most common forms of diabetes are type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition. It attacks the pancreatic beta cells responsible for the production of insulin. This form of the disease occurs mostly at young age.

In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and the body’s cells have a reduced sensitivity to it. The latter is better known as «insulin resistance».


If not treated, diabetes can lead to a number of complications. They affect all organs and systems of the body as well as fertility.

One of the most serious complications of diabetes is damage to the blood vessels and nerves, which often leads to erectile dysfunction (inability to maintain an erection). Smoking, high cholesterol and hypertension can further exacerbate the condition.

Diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) is also a cause of ejaculation problems. Decrease in penile sensitivity can lead to delayed ejaculation. It can also be caused by psychological stress and some medications, so differential diagnosis is important.

Retrograde ejaculation may occur in untreated diabetes again due to impairment of the nerves. In this case instead of moving outside of the body, semen enters the bladder. Retrograde ejaculation is not a health risk but it prevents natural conception. Fortunately, assisted reproductive technologies offer a number of solutions to this issue.

Some men with type 2 diabetes have decreased testosterone. In such cases libido and sperm count are reduced and may be accompanied by erectile dysfunction. However, testosterone levels can be corrected with proper medication.

All this sounds terrible but in reality it is completely preventable with early diagnosis and adequate treatment of diabetes type 1 and prevention of type 2. Type 2 is more prevalent among overweight people who are less physically active. Optimizing your weight and limiting harmful habits reduces your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes tremendously.

Пътуване и бременност


We are all looking forward to and making plans about the upcoming vacation days during Easter. Many of you are probably planning to return home, travel or even go abroad. That is why we decided to share with you this short but important information about flying during pregnancy.

If you are having a normal pregnancy without complications, there is no reason to give up your flight. However, it is always best to consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist before booking the tickets.

Some airlines do not allow pregnant women on board after the 32nd week of gestation. Others require a signed document from the treating obstetrician-gynecologist, confirming that flying is not contraindicated for their patient. Read the rules of your chosen airline before the flight in order to be prepared.

Do you remember the story about baby Nikolai who was born in August, 2017 during a flight from Bogota (Colombia) to Frankfurt (Germany)? Although he was born prematurely, his mother was lucky enough to have 3 doctors on board. With their help Nikolai was born without complications. Although such things occur rarely, do the responsible thing! Consult with your treating physician before undertaking such trips!

How to make your flight more enjoyable?
  1. Select a seat near the aisle. This way you can get up, walk around or go to the toilet more easily.
  2. Drink plenty of water to save yourself from the dry air on the plane.
  3. Have fun, you are going on holiday after all!

Travelling by other modes of transportation is not contraindicated during pregnancy, as long as all safety rules are followed.

New Life Fertility Center wishes you Happy Easter!


Тestosterone and its synthetic derivatives have been used to increase muscle mass for a long time. Although forbidden for professional athletes, they are sometimes used by men practicing amateur sports. Along with their effects on  physical appearance and libido, steroids also affects male fertility.


Testosterone stimulates spermatogenesis. When a man is taking extra testosterone, its internal production in the testes is inhibited and spermatogenesis is disturbed. The result is reduced amount to a complete absence of sperm in the semen, which can be detected by a regular semen analysis. This effect is very often observed when anabolic steroid administration is not prescribed or overseen by a physician.

Some couples have problems conceiving because of anabolic steroids intake by the male partner. Although their use may lead to complete suppression of spermatogenesis, this condition is in most cases reversible. The longer the drugs were taken, the longer the recovery of spermatogenesis takes. Improvement of semen analysis results can be observed after at least 3 months following discontinuation of the anabolic steroids. After that many couples get pregnant naturally. In rare cases, long-term use of steroids leads to permanent suppression  and male infertility.


Even if the man hasn’t used anabolic steroids for a long time, sometimes there are indications for in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI). This could be caused by a female infertility factor. If this is your case, you must inform the treating fertility specialist that you have taken steroids in the past.


If you use or have used steroids and you have been trying to get your partner pregnant for more than a year, consult with a reproductive medicine specialist. They will refer you for the necessary hormonal tests (e.g. for testosterone, follicle stimulating and luteinizing hormone) and semen analysis. This will give you information about your hormonal profile and sperm count. If necessary you will be prescribed medication that will improve hormonal imbalance and stimulate spermatogenesis.