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WHAT does THE SEMEN ANALYSIS TERM “Oligozoospermia” mean?
The term “Oligozoospermia” is composed of the prefix “Oligo-” (from Greek – few), the word “zoo” (existing) and “spermia” (seed, semen). “Oligo-” refers to the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. The connecting word “zoo” in this case refers to the spermatozoa themselves, not the semen. “Spermia” is the only part that is always present in the conclusion of a semen analysis.

Thus, the term “Oligozoospermia” means that there is a reduced number of sperm in the whole ejaculate or a reduced concentration (number of sperm / ml of semen). The reduced number / concentration of sperm is determined by comparison with the reference values. New Life Clinic uses reference values ​​for concentration, motility and morphology that are in accordance with the 1999 World Health Organization Manual for the Processing of Human Sperm.
The reason is that the Center for Assisted Reproduction medical indications for financing of male factor infertility couples are also in line with this manual.

WHAT do “OligoASTHENOzoospermia” and “OligoTERATOzoospermia” mean? The reduced number / concentration of sperm is only one of the possible deviations. In addition, sperm motility could also be impaired. Motility deviations are marked by adding the prefix “astheno-“.Similarly, deviations from the reference interval for the third major parameter – morphology is marked by adding the prefix “terato-“. “Terato” comes from the ancient Greek word for “monster”. Morphology is, generally speaking, the shape of the spermatozoon. Therefore, having а large number of “abnormal / monstrous” sperm is termed Teratozoospermia.
It is very important to understand that the result of a semen analysis is not a diagnosis. Sperm parameters vary between different samples of the same patient, sometimes considerably. They are affected by a variety of factors, including the number of days of abstinence, and are subject to improvement




A study published last year by scientists at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem showed that there was a sharp drop in the quality of sperm among Western men. The data collected from 7,500 publications in the medical literature showed a 52.5% reduction in sperm concentration between 1973 and 2011.

Scientists argue that supplementing the diet may improve sperm functioning. Adding nuts to your diet, especially almonds, rich in omega-3, vitamin B and folic acid, can improve sperm quality and quantity in a matter of weeks.  The research was presented at this year’s annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) in Barcelona.

“The medical literature is rich in evidence that a lifestyle change that includes a healthy diet increases the chance of pregnancy,” said Dr. Albert Sallas Huatus of the University of Rubiera Virgili in Spain.

The researchers also noted that low sperm count may predict an increase in mortality and morbidity among men. In previous studies, it was found that low sperm counts are associated with environmental and modern lifestyle factors, including exposure to prenatal chemicals, exposure to pesticides, smoking, stress and obesity.

A Harvard study published this month found that the chances of successful fertilization decrease not only with maternal age but with paternal age, as well. The study found a decrease in fertilization rate if the male partner is over the age of 40.

In conclusion, even though female fertility decreases more sharply after the age of 35 and especially after the age of 40, bear in mind that male fertility diminishes as well. Switching to a healthier diet, including nuts and anti-oxidant-rich foods, and exercising regularly can ameliorate this decrease in male fertility. These measures could prove useful for young men with abnormal sperm parameters as well.

If there are serious deviations from reference values, however, the cause has to be sought and if possible treated/removed. Greatest improvement in semen parameters is observed in men, in whom the underlying condition is successfully treated or the occupational hazard removed.




As many of you know in about half of the cases, fertility issues are due to male factor. For this reason, even if the treating obstetrician-gynecologist identifies a possible cause of infertility in the woman, her male partner has to be checked as well. Semen analysis is the first test to be performed in men. It gives information about the three basic fertility parameters – sperm concentration, motility and morphology.

At New Life Fertility Center patients can come for semen analysis any time between 10 am and 3 pm on week days without an appointment. The results of the test are ready in about 2 hours after the biological material is made available and can also be sent via e-mail.

Despite having reference values ​​in the semen analysis, which allows the patient to compare his results with the norm, those results need to be explained to the patient by a doctor. In general, this is the partner’s obstetrician-gynecologist or a urologist.

At New Life Fertility Center, we recommend patients to consult a urologist, preferably experienced in the treatment of male infertility. The partner’s treating physician may also look at the results, but in any case if there are deviations from the reference values, the patient is referred to a urologist. As well as interpreting the results of the semen analysis, the urologist may, if necessary, examine the patient, refer him for further tests, and treat him. That is why, consultating a urologist straight after your semen analysis results come out saves you time and money.

At New Life Clinic we offer a discounted package price for “semen analysis + urologist consultation”, because we want to take good care of our patients.