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Как да Подобрим Шансовете си за Забременяване при Ин Витро с Мъжки Фактор

Open Day: How to Improve your Chances of Pregnancy with Male Factor

Dear friends,

We would like to welcome you to Our Open Day on 15th October (Monday) 2018 at 18:00 at New Life Clinic Plovdiv!

TOPIC of the Open Day: How to Improve your Chances of Pregnancy with Male Factor

We would like to welcome you on 15th October 2018 at 18:00 at New Life Clinic, where as part of our open day specifically for couples interested in achieving pregnancy with Male Factor infertility, you will receive complete information about innovations in the treatment of male factor by dr. Anat Safran (international embryology consultant), dr. Desislava Gadjeva (urologist with extensive experience in the treatment of male infertility) and Assoc. prof.  Rumen Dimitrov (chief embryologist of New Life clinic).

We ask all couples who would like to attend the open day to confirm their presence by calling 032/693 693 or 0800 13 006, where you would receive additional information about the event. You can also confirm your presence by sending us a personal message to the clinic’s Facebook page.